What we believe
About God​
We believe in one God, the creator of all things seen and unseen.
We believe in the Holy Trinity.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ and the savior of the world.
We believe that Jesus loves us all unconditionally and through His death and resurrection, we are brought to new life.
We believe the Holy Spirit actively empowers and works in and through the Church, both corporately and as individuals, to share the love of Christ.
About Scripture and Tradition
We believe in the divine inspiration of Holy Scriptures.
We believe and accept the doctrines of the Seven Early Church Oecumenical Councils.
We believe and accept the Apostle's and Nicene Creeds.
We appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the Early Church Fathers.
We appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the founding Fathers of the Old Catholic Movement as expressed in historic documents of the Old Catholic Churches of Europe particularly the Declaration of Utrecht and The Fourteen Theses of the Old Catholic Church at Bonn.
About the Church and the Sacraments
We believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
We believe and hold apostolic succession.
We believe in the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick (Unction), Reconciliation (Confession and Absolution), Marriage, and Holy Orders.
We believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist as set forth by the Declaration of Utrecht and the Canons of Christ Communion.
We believe that the sacraments of the Church are open to all baptized Christians, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.